“Positive Thinking sucks”

Toby mumbles to himself as he was frustrated by the whole personal development process.

Toby had listened to speakers and coaches talk about how positive thinking was a good thing and could turn his life to bliss.

He was made to understand that if he could change his thought, then sooner or later, his life would be better and all the good things of life would flow to him naturally.

Toby embarked on a mission to focus on Positive Personal development. He worked on improving each day so that he would feel better about himself and get rid of his flaws.  

But days later, Toby was worried that something wasn’t right. It seemed that his Positive thinking was going crazy.

What was going on?

What had he done wrong?

Why wasn’t he getting anywhere and his life was still a mess?

As he thought about these things, he remembered some of the things he had done……

While bearing in mind Toby’s situation , lets unravel how Positive Thinking can go crazy;

When Positive Thinking Goes Crazy-and What You should do about it

Thinking Positive Thoughts Without Doing Anything

“Isn’t it all about wishing for something and then believing that you would receive it?”

“Doesn’t the Law of attraction work like magic? Toby thinks to himself.”

He wished for so many wonderful things and had gone as far as dreaming about them.

He had a dream of being financially free and saw himself on an adventure; traveling to beautiful cities around the World.

He smiled as he imagined his happy family in their home as the environment was so lovely that it was just like heaven.

However, reality suddenly dawned on Toby. Looking around with a frown on his face, he could see the difference between his dream and his reality.

He was single and barely had enough for a day. With so many bills to pay, he was leaving from hand to mouth.

Toby mutters to himself wondering why his positive thinking turned bizarre. His reality is really a nightmare. Something definitely isn’t right……

Isn’t it strange that you think about what you want in life and yet you do nothing to get what you want?

It is not enough to have positive thoughts or feelings. It is not enough to dream, remember that you need to take ACTION

Resisting Reality and Believing that it does not Exist

At a point in time, Toby had to disregard reality.

He wanted to get rid of negative thoughts and allow Positive thinking to get hold of him, but what was the point if his reality was all a lie.

Toby wondered as his perception was going through a rocky path.

The management in his office had complained about his performance to his duties. Toby’s Colleagues had tried their best to cover his mistakes and he had even received so many queries but this didn’t bother him.

All that mattered was to remain positive and think about success.

As long as I think positive thoughts, I won’t be affected” thought Toby but he was surprised to see his sack letter without any prior information.

Toby wished he had taken his work more seriously. Strange that he believed in positive thinking and it failed him.

Positive thinking makes you see your problem in a new light. It gives you the power to make a decision about your challenges.

Do you think of new ways to solve your problems or do you allow the Fear of Failure to Keep You Out of Trouble?

Remember  Successful men become successful only because they acquire the habit of thinking in terms of success.” – Napoleon Hill

Positive Thinking Makes Everything go Smoothly

As if Karma was playing a joke, Toby couldn’t understand why things were so rough in his life.

Why did he have to make mistakes all the time? It seemed like he was cursed. 

He was thinking positive thoughts all the time so why couldn’t his life just be smooth.

While his peers seemed to have everything going on fine in their lives, he faced problems upon problems so much that he was reaching his tolerance point.

Obstacles are bound to appear at various times.

There is no such thing as an overnight success. You build it one step at a time

You will have to deal with uncertainty and tackle your fears. If you focus on obstacles, you will never get past them. 

Rather than focus on challenges, learn to embrace your fears, make mistakes and move forward.

Some Subconscious Toxic Baggage Still Exists.

Toby hoped that he could put his life on track. He felt sad as he had gone through so much……

Toby had his fair share of pain and rejection…

At the age of 10, he was molested by bullies and then by his uncle. There was no one he could talk to about his pain. Toby struggled to get back his self-esteem. It was tough but he managed at the end.

As if that wasn’t enough, he experienced divorce between his parents who couldn’t stand each other and never thought about him and his future

This crushed his spirit so much that carried this burden all through his education. Even though he managed to scale through the University, he still felt that he was worth nothing and was being manipulated by karma to fail in life.  

This was it. Toby got an Aha Moment. He realized that he had so much baggage that he refused to let go.

He still held on to the past and felt the horror in his mind. The fear of being left alone was still programmed in his subconscious mind.

As much as he tried to cover his pain and fears, his heart said otherwise. He always felt clingy but developed a technique to disregard how he felt.

With this realization, Toby decided that he needed to heal his subconscious mind.

MUST READ: Why You Must Heal Your Subconscious Issues to Clear The Way For What You Want

Over To You

Has there been a time when your positive thinking went crazy? What did you do about it. Please share in the comment section.



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