Can an individual’s activity and experience be a model for others? This is an obvious question; after all, we are seeing role models everyday. From the entrainment industry to sports and athletics and you probably have your personal role models.
The concept “Role Model” was first coined by Robert K. Merton. He believed that an individual compares himself with groups of people who occupy the roles that such individual aspires. He was a genius and so right.
 Since the birth of the concept “Role Models”, it’s been used every where.
Here is the thing, why do you need a role model to be inspired?
Why do you need a role model to make you believe that dreams and desires are possible?
If role models were such a big deal that would mean that there would never have been any development before 1957 but there were notable inventions and innovations before the word occurred.
Now I am not trying to sound sarcastic here but lets face it, trying to model a behaviour, thought and attitude of a successful individual as much it sounds nice is limiting.
First, you are only imitating someone else and in truth you can’t be anyone else even if you know the secrets.
Personality Conflicts and Career Success
I know a guy who works as the M.D of a Multinational company. He lives in a luxury home, earns a 7 figure monthly income and has bagged a lot of awards and degrees. Such achievement will definitely earn him respect from his peers and he will definitely be a Role model for other young aspirants.
However it is interesting to note this guy has no regard for his team. He never takes No for an answer even when it’s at the detriment of the team; he promotes gossip and negative competition. He makes everyone believe that they are pawns in his game. The board loves Him because he is producing result and making money for the company which is strange.
If your personality is not in line with this guy then following his model might cause problems for you. You’re going to need to ask yourself if this model is worth imitating.
 You Will Lose Yourself in the Imitation Process in The Long Run
Now in the beginning imitating your role model might be motivating and exciting but eventually as you continue you will lose passion and momentum. Things might not be working for you as they did for your role model. You might even forget your intention.
Unless you want to keep doing the same thing and expecting different result, you are going to have to develop your own model sooner or later.
So would it not be easier if you developed your own style from the very beginning.
My message for you is to have a rethink of your models. Are they benefiting you? If not, then have a rethink.
As usual your feedback on this issue will be highly appreciated.