Harshad Sharma, CC-BY 2.0 via Flickr
Harshad Sharma, CC-BY 2.0 via Flickr

Paul is restless on his bed. His brain feels like he is carrying a huge stone. So much is the pain that he is finding it difficult to see. His body is going through rage.

Despite his round trips to the hospital to get a check-up and with the Doctor’s prescriptions, Peter was not getting any better. The doctor had also prescribed that his body needed to take a break and rest.

As Peter waits for the drug to take effect, he reminds himself that he still needs to create that App. Sadly, he has to wait for a week before he continues his project but suddenly realises the mistake that brought him to his situation.

Paul wanted to create a game app. His dream was to make a game that everyone would love and he wanted his creation to be appreciated.

Peter decided that he would need to be focused and stay motivated if he was to achieve his goal. He mapped out his plan.

Since he had a paid job, he would do his game project at night. He began coding every night hardly without any sleep. Day and night, he worked; Peter was super motivated that there was so much energy to keep going on.

But weeks later, things began to take an ugly turn, Paul began to notice that he would go to work exhausted. His co-workers noticed that his productivity dropped and they advised him to take a break but Paul would not let such words move him and slow down his pace. He had a goal to achieve.

Yet, he could not make any significant progress in his project, it seemed as if he was waning. This did not stop him from going on; he kept at it until his body finally gave up.

He woke up one morning to discover that he had a migraine headache with aches and pain. It then dawned on Paul that he had to stop and get medical attention.

Paul thinks through his experience with a lesson in hindsight.

The most exhausting way to stay motivated is to go through life without moderation.  There is a saying that the race is not for the swift.

You might think that you can never be in the same situation as Paul but don’t be deceived. You can easily get caught up with daily tasks which can become an addiction if not controlled.

Don’t get me wrong! passion can make you go a mile instead of taking a step but a burnt-out individual will never go far even if he has the greatest idea. 

So here is the thing, Have a great attitude, be motivated, take action and work smart but add to your ingredient moderation. It’s a key to Success guaranteed. 

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