My first encounter with the word “Truth” was during my childhood. I remember the words like it was yesterday; a woman scolding her daughter exclaims ”
Tell the truth and let the devil be ashamed” and so growing up, I knew that a man of integrity is one who stands for the truth and If you don’t want to be ashamed like the devil, then you should always tell the truth.
However, I have noticed that truth is wearing many hats; it has a lot of meanings and even the dictionaries don’t get it. So today we look at 5 Controversial and interesting thoughts about Truth.
Truth is not a Fact
Some people have noted that truth is subjective while others have claimed its objective. It’s an old argument that will never have an end. One thing to note is that just because something is a fact, does not make it true.
Most times, facts are manipulated to support a lie. All it takes for a theory, norm or behaviour to become truth is for people to accept it.
Truth is Controversial.
I have met people who try to lecture me why some truths are better hidden. I see Government all over the world, walk so hard to conceal information that is perceived to be dangerous to human consumption.
Interestingly, I wonder why truth should be controversial? Most controversies have sprung up not because of the information that is concealed but to fight those who hid such information and question the rationale behind such action.
Truth is Bitter
Many of us have experienced the sharp pain in our soul when we are told the truth. We wish that we could feel otherwise but our bodies can’t just control the reaction.
Some people prefer they are told lies rather than the truth. They run away from the truth because it has a bitter taste in the mouth. It’s interesting that Truth can instil such pain.
Truth is freedom
 Many people would agree with me, that this is the best thing about Truth. In our World, where people are faced with burdens, pressure, challenges and obstacles, truth sets us free; gives us freedom to live life intentionally.
Truth is Universal
This hat, I have not been able to understand. It states that universal truth is one simple fact that is so overwhelmingly true that all mankind bows down and acknowledges the validity of the statement. It can also be defined as an unalterable and permanent fact which means that something is true no matter where you are and who says it.
 Science has tried to define a lot of universal truths; Some universal truths have been questioned, others debated and we have some that have been proved wrong.
Can truth actually be universal? lets see what the World unfolds.
So there you have it, these are my interesting and controversial thoughts on truth. If you have other interesting thoughts on Truth, please share with us.