Happy New Year




Welcome to 2015. it is time to leave the past behind, learn from yesterday and begin to live for today.

A lot of exciting things are going to take place this year in this blog. There will be more sparks of inspiration.

To kick start this year, I would like to first review the top 10 posts for 2014. I would like to thank all my readers for their love and support in 2014. So lets rock in 2015

What Topic Would You Like To See In This Blog In 2015

 Before we get to the top 10 list, I would like my readers to suggest topics that they would like to see in 2015. This information would enable me to provide more value and inspire you more. Topics should be suggested in the comment section. So here goes……

10 Popular Posts That Rocked

1.Building Self Esteem:13 Examples of Rejection That Became Success Stories

Michael-Jordan via tensportclubs . com
Michael-Jordan via tensportclubs . com

People don’t like rejection; who does but what if you discovered that rejection can be a powerful motivation. What if rejection could help you build your self esteem. READ MORE

2. Building Confidence: 11 Examples of People That Turned Weakness To An Asset

Linda_Bove via rewordit . org
Linda_Bove via rewordit . org

Weakness is a word that turns soar in people’s heart. No one likes to be identified weakness. However do you know that your weakness could be an Asset. READ MORE

3. 4 Myths About How Your Brain Affects Your Thinking

lapolab via Flickr
lapolab via Flickr

There are myths about how your brain affects your thinking. What are these myths? READ MORE

4. Be An Inspiration: ABC Is The Next Big Thing In Social Networks

ahanow 1


Have you ever seen an online forum where you feel at home. Well in 2014, I had the privilege to find a wonder community known as the Aha Now Community and being among the community, I think they are the next big thing in Social Networks. Want to know why? READ MORE

5. Be An Inspiration: Paul Smith With A Cerebral Palsy Painted Art With A TypeWriter


Paul Smith suffered from spastic cerebral palsy at an early age but this did not stop him from achieving greatness. He became known as the “Typewriter Artist” because his masterpiece was done by a typewriter. READ MORE

6.  7 Exhausting Ways To Be The Best You

Magnus via Photopin . com
Magnus via Photopin . com

This post resonated with a lot of people which is why it became so popular. In a world where success is a much appreciated and sort after goal; it is easy for one to be exhausted trying to be the best. READ MORE

7. A 90 Year Old Rickshaw Driver Supports The Education of Poor Students

Bai 2d

This is the story of Bai Fangli, a man who decided to influence his generation and make an impact in his community by supporting the education of Poor Students. READ MORE

8. Ask Yourself…Am I Where I Want To Be? 


I met a wonderful personality in a group called Personal development at Linkedin. Amy blogs at Winkyboo where she heals people with her words. She was gracious to write a guest post where she asks a powerful question that’ll spark a lot of self-reflection. READ MORE

9. 5 Reasons Why Living Your Life to The Fullest is Wrong Advice


Have you been told that you can live life to the fullest. Then you need to take a break, read this and understand why such advice is WRONG. READ MORE

10. John Craig Turns His Worst Times Into An Inspiration

superstarsofscience . com
superstarsofscience . com

If you ever thought that it is time to give up life, Then know that your worst times can become your best opportunities. John’s Story shows you how. READ MORE

Now there were many awesome posts and you can take the time to go through my blog. Don’t forget that you can suggest topics for 2015 in the comment section. Also you can review these posts that I have listed and tell me which one was your favorite (even those posts you like that are not listed in the top 10). Let me know if any improvements need to be made.

2015 is going be an awesome year. Thank you for an wonderful 2014

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