Blame it on the government that you are where you are today. If only the government could create policies that will enrich everyone, you won’t be looking for a job.
We have all been in situations where we just feel like tearing the government into two. Just Imagine, a senator is paid the salary of more than a thousand CEOs put together. Yet there are graduates out there who are praying to feed themselves comfortable.
I can feel the pain especially when you can’t do anything about it. Hold on for a second! did I just say you can’t do anything about it. Lets think straight here and forget about the government. What of if you can change your situation. Have you heard of Jobberman.
Well Jobberman is an online recruiting company that assists both the employer and job applicants with great service and a user friendly interface. They provide their service so well that have been given notable awards such as the Best Career and Job blog in Nigerian Blog Award (Recently they won The Future Awards Prize for Enterprise Support).
So why are they unique; what’s the point of talking about them; what’s there to learn from them! Well it’s their story and vision that is unique. Lets look at their story .
it started with three young men: Opeyemi Awoyemi, Olalekan Olude and Ayodeji Adewunmi, all university students. We shared the same interest in the Internet space and started Jobberman from the Obafemi Awolowo University campus during the Industrial Strike Action by Nigerian Academic Staff Union (ASUU) of August 2009.
The unacceptable high rate of unemployment got us totally perplexed and we decided to “take over the world (Jobs World)” and do something about it. We set out with a mission to organize, deliver and manage the largest catalogue of jobs in Nigeria.
We help employers fill their vacancies quickly and cost-effectively by giving them access to the most relevant pool of qualified job-seekers and professionals
We agreed to work on the Jobs space for a number of reasons including: a low capital requirement (considering that we were students at the time), huge market opportunity (labour force of ~45m) and superior product differentiation.
What an interesting story and unique vision. The company was created out of a need to make a significant change. Jobberman was formed to help the unemployed who were becoming too much for government to handle.
 They could have joined others in the blame game with the government; instead they  decided to do something about it and create a platform where Job applicants can get their dream job and employers can get qualified job applicants.
 If you are still upset with the government, sit down, take a pen and notepad and think about what you can do to help the masses in areas where the government have lost their grips on. Think about what role and services you can offer to the masses and start making a difference.
It easy to point fingers but it’s satisfying to make a significant change.
 Be the light! Be the Change!