Have you been in a situation when you feel that you don’t need any one to help you and being a lone wolf makes the difference?
Do you believe in the Do it Yourself process as the best form of learning?
Do you believe that everything you have to do lies on your shoulders and you don’t need to shed your burdens with others? If you believe so, you are not alone.
When I started blogging, having crafted the blue print of my blogging journey and destination, I journeyed with the belief that the Blog-Alone path was the best choice for success.
If you don’t know what Blog-Alone means, it is the perception of a blogger that the success of a blog is not dependent on developing alliances with blog peers. Bloggers with the Blog Alone mindset are lone wolfs and don’t see the reason why they should develop alliances.
It is no wonder why my blog was eventually a Ghost town and not until i changed this mindset, did i see the wisdom of developing alliances
You Need To Develop Alliances
It wasn’t until I joined the Aha Community that things began to change. In ABC, I met Harleena and a host of awesome bloggers. Through this community, I have learned so much of how collaboration and netwoking with other bloggers makes the blogoshere so unique.
Developing alliance with others bloggers opened my eyes to see why blogging is so awesome. The more bloggers on the blogosphere, the more we can accomplish in our world. So every blogger can make a difference and this why the blogosphere is such an interesting community.
Joining the PAC Community has been an interesting experience and what I have learned from this community is so priceless and as Sue put it “PAC allows you to connect with knowledgeable, ethical, bloggers and marketers, for mutual support, and gives us a chance to pass on our experience to beginners.” So I suggest you join, if you want to learn the ropes of blogging.
Why You Need Alliances and Collaboration
No Man is an Island
You need help at one point in time. No one can face life alone. There is a saying that a tree does not make a forest. No man was created an Island. Think about it
You Can’t Make a Difference Alone
I am taking part in a blogging challenge. It has been so fun and this the final post for the challenge. If you would like to read other posts by other bloggers for the July Blog Post Carnival. Click the Link Below.